sbt / sbt-bintray-bundle   1.2.0

Scala versions: 2.10
sbt plugins: 0.13


Build Status

sbt-bintray-bundle = sbt-bundle + bintray-sbt

This is an sbt plugin to publish your ConductR bundle and its configuration to Bintray.


In project/bintraybundle.sbt:

addSbtPlugin("com.typesafe.sbt" % "sbt-bintray-bundle" % "1.2.0")

Declaring the native packager or any of its other plugins should be sufficient. For example, in your build.sbt file:

// bundleSettings,
name := "bundle1"

// A license is required for bintray packages
licenses := Seq("Apache-2.0" -> url(""))

  // A version control system url is required for bintray packages
  bintrayVcsUrl := Some(""),
  // Optionally, if you want to publish to an org repo other than your own
  bintrayOrganization := Some("orgname")
  // Optionally, if you want to change the name of the repo ("bundle" is the default)
  bintrayRepository := "test-bundle-repo",

lazy val root = (project in file(".")).enablePlugins(JavaAppPackaging)


To stage your Conductr bundle to Bintray,

> bundle:publish

Go back to, and hit the publish button to release it (set the bintrayReleaseOnPublish to true if you'd prefer to release immediately).

Most Bintray plugin keys are honored and can be scoped specifically for bundles e.g.: bintrayReleaseOnPublish in Bundle means that the setting will be applied for the specific bundle.

In addition, where a project has multiple bundle types and/or bundle configuration then bintray settings can be applied distinctly. Check out the sbt-bintray-bundle-tester sub project for an example.

Note that bundle configurations can also be published: configuration:publish. Take care when publishing configurations that contain sensitive data e.g. passwords and secrets. Ensure that the target repository on Bintray is protected by credentials. Note also that the configuration repo/package on Bintray will not default to the same repo/package as the bundle. Configuration is regarded as sensitive and so you must consider carefully where it lies. By default, configuration is published to a bundle-configuration repo.

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