ohze / couchbase-scala   9.2.0

Apache License 2.0 Website GitHub

A library for accessing Couchbase in Scala

Scala versions: 3.x 2.13 2.12 2.11



This is a library for accessing Couchbase in Scala.


couchbase-scala is published to maven center

  1. using typesafe config file application.conf to config couchbase connection url, buckets, timeout,..
    see reference.conf
com.couchbase.timeout {
  # ...
com.sandinh.couchbase {
  connectionString = "dev.sandinh.com"
  1. load the config, instantiate a CBCluster instance, then open a bucket
import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory
import com.sandinh.couchbase.CBCluster
val cluster = new CBCluster(ConfigFactory.load())
val accBucket = cluster.bucket("acc")

Or, you can use DI (example google guice):

class CBModule extends AbstractModule {
  override def configure(): Unit = {

class MyClient @Inject() (cluster: CBCluster) {
  val accBucket = cluster.bucket("acc")
  1. access couchbase using CBBucket's api
val r: Future[GetResult] = accBucket.get("some_key")
val s = accBucket.getT[String]("some_key")

//see other methods (upsert, insert, replace, remove, touch, counter, append, unlock, getFromReplica, getAndLock,..)
//from CBBucket class
  1. you can use play-json to retrieve a JsValue directly
import play.api.libs.json.{Json, Format}
import com.sandinh.couchbase.Implicits.jsonSerializer // Used in upsert

case class Acc(name: String, gender: Option[Boolean])
object Acc {
  implicit val fmt: OFormat[Acc] = Json.format[Acc]
accBucket.upsert("some_key", Acc("name", None))
val name = accBucket.getJsT[Acc]("some_key").map(_.name)


see CHANGES.md

Dev guide

  • prepare couchbase for testing
docker run -d --name cb -p 8091-8094:8091-8094 -p 11210:11210 couchbase:5.0.1
docker cp travis-cb-prepare.sh cb:/tmp
docker exec -i cb /tmp/travis-cb-prepare.sh

or, if you have prepared before => only run docker start cb


publish guide

We use sd-devops so:

  • Every push (or merge a PR) to master branch will be publish to sonatype snapshots (only if QA, test, compatible check pass)
  • If push tag match glob v[0-9]*, ex v9.0.0 or even v9bla.bla then publish job will publish a release version to sonatype release repo (which will be sync to maven central)
  • !!!NOTE!!! You MUST tag version with v prefix or else it will not be published!
  • You should never manually publish from your local machine unless sbt publishLocal
  • MUST update [CHANGES.md]!


This software is licensed under the Apache 2 license: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

Copyright 2014-2021 Sân Đình (https://sandinh.com)