karimagnusson / kuzminki-play   0.9.5

Apache License 2.0 Website GitHub

Kuzminki is feature-rich query builder and access library for PostgreSQL written in Scala.

Scala versions: 3.x 2.13

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This project contains a module to use kuzminki-ec with Play Framework. It also contains integration with the Play Json library. Take a look at the kuzminki-play-demo for an example of usage.

This version is for Play 3. If you are using Play 2.9 with Akka, you can use version 0.9.3


// available for Scala 2.13 and Scala 3
libraryDependencies += "io.github.karimagnusson" %% "kuzminki-play" % "0.9.5"


play.modules.enabled += "kuzminki.pekko.play.module.KuzminkiModule"

kuzminki = {
  db = "<DB_NAME>"
  user = "<USER>"
  password = "<PASS>"
  host = "localhost"
  port = 5432
  maxPoolSize = 10
  minPoolSize = 3
class SomeController @Inject()(
  val controllerComponents: ControllerComponents
)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext,
           db: Kuzminki) extends BaseController
                            with PlayJson { // implicit conversions for Play Json

Multiple databases

Support fo multiple databases. Database named 'default' will not be named.

play.modules.enabled += "kuzminki.pekko.play.module.KuzminkiMultiModule"

kuzminki-multi = {
  default = {
    db = "some_db"
    user = "user"
    password = "pass"
  other = {
    db = "other_db"
    user = "user"
    password = "pass"
class SomeController @Inject()(
  val controllerComponents: ControllerComponents,
   @Named("other") otherDb: Kuzminki
)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext,
           db: Kuzminki) extends BaseController // default database
                            with PlayJson { // implicit conversions for Play Json

Master / slave

Master / slave configuration provides one api where all SELECT queries will go to the slave and all others to the master. If a dispatcher is defined it should be under kuzminki-split.

play.modules.enabled += "kuzminki.pekko.play.module.KuzminkiSplitProvider"

kuzminki-split = {
  master = {
    db = "master_db"
    user = "user"
    password = "pass"
  slave = {
    db = "slave_db"
    user = "user"
    password = "pass"
class SomeController @Inject()(
  val controllerComponents: ControllerComponents
)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext,
           db: Kuzminki) extends BaseController
                            with PlayJson { // implicit conversions for Play Json